Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Lecture 11343. Desire Ⅲ – When Does Desire Cease to Arise? (5_7) [JUNGBUB TALK]

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Desire Ⅲ - When Does Desire Cease to Arise? (5_7) _ Script

[Jungbub Terminology] 
Daehanminguk : South Korea (Republic of Korea)
Jungbub : ‘the Righteous Law’ in Korean, the law of Grand Nature
Seuseungnim : the Great Mentor who gives out the law of Grand Nature
Hongikingan : the intellectuals who are enlightened to benefit people broadly


I'm a little curious about when exactly the desire will end, so may I ask?


You have no choice but to have desire until you have grown and entered the truth.
You cannot grow without desire, so desire arises by itself while you grow in knowledge.
So, we can see how big a person’s vessel is by watching the size of their desire.
We can realize it even if we don’t look at your depth because your desire makes your vessel.
A person with great desire needs a great vessel.
You have a great amount of desire, but if you can’t fill it with quality energy, you will always face difficulties because it won’t happen only by thinking big.
So, until we move on to the truth, we cannot give up our desires, and there is no choice but to have them.
Why? It is because there is no other choice due to the quality of your personality.
When a person with such quality energy expresses such a desire, society also does so.
So we don’t make such desires; our vessels are making us have such desires.
When we know the laws of nature, are equipped with personality, and look at the world, we no longer have desires but begin to do our own work in our own place.
This is how you find your balance.
At that time, the word desire will disappear.
Desire will disappear.
Those who have not come in contact with the truth will always have desires.
So, those who are educated in the truth and have realized the principles don’t put down their desires by themselves,
but will have their desires disappear naturally.
Because they know themselves.
When you know yourself, your desire disappears.
If you still have the desire since you are still staying in knowledge, it is teaching you that you are such a big person.
Those who have desire must study the truth in the future.
Why? It is because you will become hard.
What have I told you before?
The era in which intellectuals are suffering is coming.
There is no intellectual without desire.
They have become frustrated because it didn’t go as they desired.
So there is no intellectual without desire.
But, if these people are not educated in the truth, they will eventually fail in their desires.
So, I have been teaching that the era of intellectuals’ suffering would be coming from ten years ago when I came out into society.
Don’t be greedy.
Everything will not come true even though you’re greedy.
You can accomplish it only when you learn and equip yourself with one by one.
You can understand it that way.

To be continued on episode 6…

Date: June 27, 2021
Location: Yongin, South Korea