Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

In Italy, on September 22, 2019

나눔은 배려입니다.

Milan, City of Fashion

#Official Lecture - September 21-22, 2019

In 2019, the first European Jungbub lecture was held in Milan, Italy under the name “JUNGBUB CONFERENCE”!
Most of the participants were Italian and Europenas, with about 150 people from about 10 countries each on Sept. 21 and Sept. 22, 2019. The main languages of the participants were Italian and English, and on the site, they were translated into two languages simultaneously.
The two-day Jungbub Conference on Sept. 21 and 22! The reaction of audience was very hot. As if they would not miss out on the Spiritual Mentor with wearing a translator. They participated at the lecture with a hot eye and wrote it down hard, which was pretty impressive.

Question and summary of Milan’s official lecture

The differences between people living a hard and smooth life


Master. While some people continue to suffer from obstacles and suffer pain and seem to be living in an unfair situation that doesn’t seem reasonable, some people seem to be living comfortably without any trouble. I wonder what this difference is.

World Tour in Italy, 2019 Autumn
September 21 – October 3, 2019

Writer: Eunhui Ko
Photographer: Jungmin Lee, Jeongwoon Woo
Translator: Hyunoo Lee
Editor: Dawn Lee