Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

World Tour in LA, 2016 Autumn

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How can souls be beautiful?

Answer Summary:

There is no man whose soul is not beautiful.
Everyone’s beautiful, everyone is high energy and everyone is pretty.
The look we brought when we were born is the energy of my soul.
What does this mean? The body is made to match the quality of the soul.

For example, a cell (a fertilized egg) was created to give birth to a baby in the mother’s womb. So exactly 100 days after this cell is created, then the soul departures to enter the body.

But if the fetus’ body is too good compared to its soul energy, the parent moves to certain place and surprises them by being robbed. When a mother is surprised with her fetus, the fetus’ appearance changes. Likewise, being scolded by anyone changes the fetus’ appearance. In this way, the spirit and the body are docked at birth by growing the body to the energy of the soul. This is the moment of human reincarnation!

This is when 6006 files of mind energy are created, which is formed when the soul and the body are accurately docked, and a person’s life begins when the mind energy is formed. So what should we do to make our souls beautiful in our lives? You have to live a pretty life. But what happens if you insist too much?

As the energy of the soul hardens, so does my image. My face gets stiff first. I mean, the face changes. The first thing that changes is the face, then the cells of the body change, and then the skeleton changes. This is how the pain begins. In other words, the energy of the soul and the body are becoming alike.

So what happens if you’re always cheerful and positive? The soul is always cheerful. So it doesn’t harden and it doesn’t squash. Our lives are the lives of our souls. The body is the tool necessary for the soul to survive. In other words, the soul takes the body to live, not the body to live. You shouldn’t be misunderstood about this. And it releases and exposes what’s in the soul through the body.

This means that the body looks exactly like the soul. So if you live very well in your life, your soul becomes thrive. When you change your energy from frustration to positivity, your energy of life is changed. Our lives change through knowledge. In other words, the quality of knowledge determines our lives. So what you’ve learned and what you’ve gained through exchange is what nourishes your soul. This activates the hard spirit to soft. And that changes the physiognomy.