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World Tour in Sandiego, 5, 2020

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#Lecture at the San Diego Dwelling- February 5, 2020

Will we rule over the Artificial Intelligence, or be ruled by it?


The era of artificial intelligence is upon us, so will humans be ruled by machines?  No, not so. The cars that we drive is a type of a robot. Because we drive it and it moves, we think it’s not a robot, but when it is automated, it will become a complete robot.  But it will do whatever we humans design it to function.

Answer Summary:

People think that as AI develops that it can be misused, but actually misuse of AI will diminish.  Why? Because we are living in Hucheonsidae (Post Era). Seoncheonsidae was an era of greed, but Hucheonsidae is not an era of greed.  Therefore, misuse will lessen. The use of nuclear weapons will disappear as well in the future completely. Right now we are living in a transition period so there’s talk of doing something with nuclear weapons, but in the future, all the dangerous elements will completely disappear.   

Humans rule over the robots. Humans can have thoughts of higher quality. Robots cannot do this. They say it’s artificial intelligence, but there is a limit to how much it can advance depending on the data that we input. What robot can’t do and say is, “I can’t do this anymore!” Robot can’t do this. But humans are beings of higher capacity, because we can quit. Humans utilize machines that have limits. Humans are limitless. The power of soul is that it does not have limits.

The future is not about being ruled by machines, but understanding them well so that we can manage and utilize them. That future needs to come sooner. What happens when it becomes a reality? Humans can save time, not wasting time and prepare ourselves to function as gods. The future of economy will turn into a public based economy.