Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Lecture 11338. Desire Ⅱ – Twisted Desire, Desire for Private Interest (3_3)[JUNGBUB TALK]

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Desire Ⅱ - Twisted Desire, Desire for Private Interest (3_3) _ Script

[Jungbub Terminology] 
Daehanminguk : South Korea (Republic of Korea)
Jungbub : ‘the Righteous Law’ in Korean, the law of Grand Nature
Seuseungnim : the Great Mentor who gives out the law of Grand Nature
Hongikingan : the intellectuals who are enlightened to benefit people broadly


I want to ask you an additional question.
When we say desire so far, it has never been a good word.
That is why the word "twisted desire" appears a lot globally as a representative example.
If so, I ask Seuseungnim whether the word "twisted desire" itself is correct.


You’re right.
We have reached the end, but there’s no answer, so we keep going by twisting something.
We are going by twisting something, but is it twisting?
It has come out because it’s time for it to come out also.
The phenomenon of being twisted has come out now because the time has come for it to come out, so if you think we made it, it’s not true.
Just like a tree does not only grow upright, but branches grow next to it,
does it look to come out twisted if you follow it to the side?
It just has come out to the side. The same is true for desire.
But it’s even weirder to create the term “twisted.”
I mean that unconventional desires can come out.
We can realize that this can become a single tree when we think about it after dealing with these different desires.
So, I think whether the term “twisted” is rather being made a little wrong.


Then, should we see desire itself as a positive phenomenon rather than a negative one?


Desire is progressive and positive. It is never negative.
The desire is something that happens to human gods in global village where there is no choice but to have it, so it is not a negative thing but a progressive and good thing.
Those are good things, not bad things.


Usually, from our point of view, we use the term desire when we pursue our own interests.
If so, should we consider the desire to pursue self-interest as right?


Oh, that’s right.
Where was the desire for the public? All desires were private.
There were times when flowers bloom through the private, right?
Anything from our knowledge comes out from the private.
That is your own knowledge. It has come out from the private, not the public.
It’s not coming from Gongdo.
It is not from the public road of one universe but the environment is given to individuals.
So, we can say this the private.
It becomes public things when these private things come out and get organized.
There is a public way of living and a private way of living.
Until 2012, all of us lived in the private way of living.
We have been living in the private way of living,
but some put a lot of effort into creating a public way of living for their own group in the private way of living.
So democracy looks like the public way of living but was the private way of living.
Even communism is also the private way.
It looked like the public way because it had great energy by uniting their will even though it started from the private way.
But it was one of the private ways.
The opening of an era when these are united means that it is enhanced.
Since it is highly enhanced and united as one, if we are united with the same will by unraveling it with the law of the truth and agreeing on this rationally,
it will become a public way of living.
But what does it mean to unite our will?
When God, humans, and nature are all harmonized by humans’ well-crafted creation, it will be a Gongdo (the public way of living).
So what’s the purpose of this?
We can make the answer when we know this.
The purpose of this is Grand Nature, Grand Universe.
Our purpose is there.
Our purpose is not to open that world here on Earth while living here by achieving everything.
Human life is a fused life with a physical body and soul god.
When it is over, humans return to gods, and substances go back to nature by themselves.
This is what we share with, but this should be a transformed substance.
So, when private things gather together, these can transform into public things, and we can make like that.
Therefore, private interests are not bad things.
Private interest is not a bad thing, but some people say that it is private interest, which is bad,
and that we have to turn it to the public interest.
But there is no development without private interest.
When the private interest has completed the development, the strength to lead it to the public interest will emerge.
So, development cannot occur if there is no private interest.
When the private interest is achieved first, the public interest will be possible.

Date: June 27, 2021
Location: Yongin, South Korea